Town of Middlebury New Recreation Center Ground Breaking

Middlebury, Vermont—A Ground Breaking Ceremony was held on April 1st for the new Recreation Center on Creek Road. Bread Loaf Corporation of Middlebury is providing Integrated Project Management services for design and construction of the new facility.

For more information visit our Town of Middlebury Town Offices & Recreation Center page.

Middlebury Recreation Center (left to right): Peter Conlon UD #3 School Board Chairman, Leonard Barrett MUHS Athletic Department, Peter Burrows ACSU Superintendent, Terri Arnold Parks and Recreation Director, Dean George Selectboard Chair, Brian Carpenter Selectboard, Susann Shashok Selectboard, Chris Huston Bread Loaf Corporation VP of Architecture, Mac McLaughlin Bread Loaf Corporation President.
Left to right: Peter Conlon UD #3 School Board Chairman, Leonard Barrett MUHS Athletic Department, Peter Burrows ACSU Superintendent, Terri Arnold Parks and Recreation Director, Dean George Selectboard Chair, Brian Carpenter Selectboard, Susann Shashok Selectboard, Chris Huston Bread Loaf Corporation VP of Architecture, Mac McLaughlin Bread Loaf Corporation President.
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