New Digs for Stowe
By Caleigh Cross, Stowe ReporterStowe Electric Department finally has a home of its own, after decades of bouncing between landlords all around town.
The utility’s employees settled into their new offices on Moscow Road this week.
Construction of the new $2 million headquarters was funded fully using cash on hand, without requiring any taxes, bonding or rate increases, according to utility officials.
Stowe Electric had rented office space on Old Farm Road for 19 years at $60,000 a year, and the line workers were based in a garage on Dump Road, which the Stowe town government owns. For full article visit the Stowe Reporter
Otter Creek Brewing Ground Break
Middlebury, Vermont—A Ground Breaking Ceremony was held on October 5th, 2015 for the expansion of Otter Creek Brewing. Bread Loaf Corporation (BLC) also of Middlebury is providing Integrated Project Management services for the design and construction of the...
Town of Hartford Ribbon Cutting
White River Junction, Vermont—A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on October 3rd to celebrate the newly renovated Town of Hartford Town Hall. Bread Loaf Corporation provided Integrated Project Management services for the design and construction of the...
Northern Stage Ribbon Cutting
White River Junction, Vermont—A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on October 10th to celebrate the new home of Northern Stage (NS), the Barrette Center for the Arts. Bread Loaf Corporation (BLC) provided Integrated Project Management services for...
WhistlePig Becomes Premier ‘Grain-to-Glass’ Whiskey Operation with Opening of Distillery
Vermont Business MagazineWhistlePig opened its brand-new distillery Wednesday in a converted 100-year-old barn on the WhistlePig Farm in Shoreham, Vermont. The distillery will make WhistlePig one of the few American whiskey companies to conduct the entire whiskey-making process in one...
Landmark College Rings in 30th Year with New STEM Building
Domenic PoliPUTNEY—Landmark College ushered in its 30th year with a new building and a visit from the governor on Saturday. Putney native Gov. Peter Shumlin spoke at a grand reception under a tent on the college’s quad...
Local Rye to be Distilled into Whiskey at Shoreham Distillery
John FlowersSHOREHAM—WhistlePig LLC is busy installing distillery equipment and is lining up plenty of oak barrels — some of them made from Vermont-grown white oak — in anticipation of beginning on-site production of its rye whiskey at its Quiet Valley...
Expansion at Rotobec USA
Mike CurrierRotobec designs, manufactures and sells handling equipment forvarious industries, namely logging, scrap and waste handling and rail maintenance. The company is mainly re-known for its high quality grapples and knuckle boom loaders. Rotobec will be expanding the installations...
Northern Stage’s New Theater Takes Shape
Meg BrazillNot quite two years ago, White River Junction’s Northern Stage was on the cusp of the biggest challenge in its history: building a new state-of-the-art theater with a $7.4 million price tag and fundraising $9 million for the construction...
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