New Digs for Stowe
By Caleigh Cross, Stowe ReporterStowe Electric Department finally has a home of its own, after decades of bouncing between landlords all around town.
The utility’s employees settled into their new offices on Moscow Road this week.
Construction of the new $2 million headquarters was funded fully using cash on hand, without requiring any taxes, bonding or rate increases, according to utility officials.
Stowe Electric had rented office space on Old Farm Road for 19 years at $60,000 a year, and the line workers were based in a garage on Dump Road, which the Stowe town government owns. For full article visit the Stowe Reporter
Center for the Arts at Walker Farm Ground Break
Weston, Vermont—A Ground Breaking Ceremony was held on August 7th for the new Center for the Arts at the Walker Farm, located at 719 Main Street. Weston Playhouses’ goal is to create a nationally recognized Incubator for the...
Bread Loaf Corporation Promotes Justin Wright to Superintendent
Middlebury, Vermont—Bread Loaf Corporation, a Vermont firm of architects, planners, and builders is pleased to announce that Justin Wright has been promoted from Foreman to Superintendent. Justin began working at Bread Loaf Corporation as a tradesperson in 2005....
Expansion Makes Otter Creek in Middlebury Largest Brewery in Vermont
Sam HartleyMiddlebury, Vermont—Otter Creek Brewery cut the ribbon on its brand new 8,000-square-foot, 120-barrel brew house this past Thursday, making the Middlebury brewery the largest beer maker, by volume, in Vermont. “This is the story of why Vermont...
Ronald A. Mainelli Memorial Scholarship
Middlebury, Vermont—Bread Loaf Corporation has awarded Sophie Ann Saunders, with the Ronald A. Mainelli Memorial Scholarship. Ms. Saunders of Middlebury, Vermont will be attending Tufts University in the fall. The Mainelli Scholarship assists a student in preparation...
Bob Eaton Promoted to Senior Project Manager
Bread Loaf is pleased to announce that Bob Eaton has been promoted to Senior Project Manager. Bob has been with Bread Loaf for 12 years managing a wide range of projects, most notably our largest IPM project, the $36 million...
Dan Heath Director of Safety and Training
Dan Heath will be transitioning from Superintendent to his new position as Director of Safety and Training. Dan has been with Bread Loaf for 33 years. In his new role, he will work with field and office personnel to...
Sheila Shaw Promoted to Vice President of Human Resouces
Sheila Shaw has been promoted to Vice President of Human Resources. Sheila has been with Bread Loaf for 23 years. She has been Director of Human Resources for the past 10 years. Sheila has been an integral part of the...
Maple Landmark Ribbon Cutting
Middlebury, Vermont—A ribbon cutting ceremony was held April 21st to celebrate Maple Landmark’s newly renovated and expanded manufacturing floor, located at 1297 Exchange Street. Bread Loaf Corporation provided Integrated Project Management services for the design and construction...
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